10 Free CDC TRAIN Courses That Will Make You Better at Your Job
May 9, 2017
For those of us in the business of protecting the public’s health, we’re engaged in an ongoing mission to grow our knowledge and skills. Thankfully, there are a number of resources that can help us in this endeavor. One of them is CDC TRAIN.
By the time you’ve graduated from your particular program, schooling, or course, you’ve invested a lot of time, money, and effort into your training as a medical practitioner, but your learning doesn’t end there.
For those of us in the business of protecting the public’s health, we’re engaged in an ongoing mission to grow our knowledge and skills. Thankfully, there are a number of resources that can help us in this endeavor. One of them is CDC TRAIN.
What is CDC TRAIN?
CDC TRAIN (the TrainingFinder Real-time Affiliate Integrated Network) is the nation’s premier learning resource for public health professionals. Run in partnership with the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and several other leading health agencies, TRAIN provides the latest courses and information for healthcare professionals, many of these courses are even offered absolutely free.
Registered users with TRAIN can:
- Search or browse the nationwide database for onsite or distance learning courses
- Sign up for emails about new courses
- Create a personal learning record of competency-based training
- Provide and view feedback about courses listed on the site
- Register online for many courses
- Earn CEUs (often at no cost)
The official TRAIN site (train.org) and participating TRAIN affiliate sites are jointly managed by a collection of the country’s best public health agencies, academic partners, and more.
Together, they provide access to over 1300 courses, approved and verified by the CDC. If you’re interested in adding to your knowledge base with practical, applicable new skills, TRAIN can help. Here we’ve rounded up 10 of the best courses, so click through and get learning today.
10 Free TRAIN Courses That Will Make You Better at Your Job
A Picture Can Be Worth a Thousand Words – The Use of Photo Documentation in Wound Care
Whether you agree or disagree, the use of photo documentation in wound care has become a popular, beneficial, and sometimes controversial practice. Learn about the issues involved, how to evaluate whether or not it’s a good fit for your facility/agency, and things to consider if you’ve decided to implement it into your patient care.
Non-clinical. Web-based self-study.
Collagen Dressings in Chronic Wounds
This course will review the normal physiology of wound healing including the three normal healing phases for wounds, practical solutions for healing complex wounds, and how collagen can aid in the process.
Non-clinical. Web-based self-study.
A Guide To Educating Patients
Having trouble educating your patients about their healthcare needs? Coming up against resistance and barriers when you try and impart information? Gain practical knowledge and learn the critical steps to optimize patient education in every setting. Improve health outcomes by implementing opportunities to learn.
Non-clinical. Web-based self-study.
Educare – Wound & Skin Care Education
This four-part series will teach you research-based concepts of wound care, everything from
Non-clinical. Web-based self-study.
How Effective Are Your Hand Sanitizing Techniques: New Discoveries and Considerations
Gain practical solutions to hand hygiene techniques and hear research-backed information on product effectiveness. This course will review CDC and FDA guidelines for effective hand hygiene, identify the four variables that impact the effectiveness of hand hygiene programs, and provide up-to-date information on the latest studies on ethanol concentration.
Non-clinical. Web-based self-study.
Infection Prevention in Long-Term Care Settings
For anyone working in long-term care, this course will provide a comprehensive understanding of what’s required for successful infection prevention programs in any situation. Gain an understanding of what factors encourage or inhibit infection, and best practices for prevention.
Non-clinical. Web-based self-study.
Legal Implications of Pressure Ulcers
Learn about preventive legal care and the unique civil and criminal liabilities associated with pressure ulcers, from a team of professors, clinical researchers, and lawyers. Protect yourself, and your patients, through knowledge and an increased understanding of how the medical and legal worlds overlap.
Non-clinical. Web-based self-study.
Why is Pressure Ulcer Assessment So Important?
This course takes a look at pressure ulcer assessment through the eyes of a long-term care resident. Learn to identify common risk factors for pressure ulcers in the elderly; understand the importance of proper positioning and skin care products for pressure wound prevention; and identify the critical steps in any pressure wound treatment program.
Non-clinical. Web-based self-study.
Skin Tears: New Approaches in Prevention
Hear from a renowned skin care expert who will review the latest strategies in the prevention and treatment of skin tears, including: nutrient-based products as part of a skin care regimen; education, proper positioning, protective clothing, and transferring techniques; evidence that the use of a skin care regimen decreases the incidence of skin tears and their related costs.
Non-clinical. Web-based self-study.
A Community Health Worker Training Resource for Preventing Heart Disease and Stroke
Increase your knowledge of heart disease and stroke with practical tips and strategies that will help prevent these common diseases. Learn the symptoms and causes of these issues and proven methods to combat them in the real world.
Non-clinical. Web-based self-study.
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